2012年11月27日 星期二

About American Dream Factory / アメリカドリ-ム工場について

導演/ 黃思農


─《與機器相伴的青春和命運:潛伏富士康28天手記》, 《南方周末》實習生 劉志毅

<美國夢工廠>這齣戲是再拒劇團多年來對新世代處境的思考與提問, 透過10段“夢境“,映照被稱之為草莓族、尼特族、失落的一代、玻璃青年的世界。這些成長於解嚴後台灣社會,被統稱為七年級生的一代,相當巧合的與世界各地年齡相近的青年一樣,被各種帶有批判與貶抑的辭彙所命名,但他們亦同時像是一群班雅明筆下,因為拒絕面向那個被稱之為"進步"的未來, 而堅定的背轉身來的天使。


<美國夢工廠>這齣戲所希望演現的,是我們的存在價值與勞動的意義,如何被資本所消耗殆盡,是我們的夢想與青春,如何被單一化的社會期望所化約? 亦是在一個想像力與感受力漸趨貧乏、時間感斷裂的年代, 作為一個反全球化的文本, 我們這個世代與時代的關係又是甚麼:


這是過去劇場的提問,也將是未來劇場的提問。正是在這樣的提問裏,我們重新理解劇場的本質 ── 一種對「當下」的渴求──這個「當下」包含了過去、現在與未來連綿不絕的時間。

請永遠記得那些死難的青年。如果所有的未來如John Berger所言,都是建構在死者的想像之中,所謂的「當下」,亦是曾經死者的想像。




《機械と伴う青春と運命:フォックスコンで潜伏の二十八日間の手記》 《南方周末》実習生劉志毅





これは昔の劇場が問う質問であり、未来の劇場が問う質問でもある。このような質問が問われるうちに劇場の本質が迫ってきた。それは「いま」への追求。その「いま」は過去と現在、そして未来へと繋がる連続の時間だ。 死んだ青年たちのことを永遠に覚えてください。もしジョンバージャーの言ったように、未来は死者の想像によって成立されるとするならば、いわゆる「いま」も死者の想像だったに違いない。


About American Dream Factory

The 28-day undercover work made a strong impact on me. It wasn't about finding out what they died for, but rather to learn how they lived.
-The Fate of Youth in the Company of Machinery: 28 Days Undercover at Foxconn
Liu Zhi Yi, Southern Weekend

American Dream Factory is the culmination of Against-Again Troupe’s investigations into the living conditions of our generation. Realized in the form of ten “dreams,” the play depicts the world of the so-called Strawberry Generation, also known to different cultures as the Lost Generation, Glass Youth, or NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training). The young people born in the 80s in Taiwan, who grew up in the post-martial-law Taiwan society, have coincidentally been labeled with denigrating terms just like the young people from all over the world. These individuals are like Walter Benjamin’s Angel of History, forever resisting the storm of progress, with their backs turned towards the future.

During our premiere in Taipei, our play about alienation coincided with a tragic social incident across the strait - in the Foxconn factories in Shenzhen, young workers committed suicide in response to their oppressive working environments. Heedless of the suicidal trend, politicians and media in Taiwan continued to speak for the benefits of Taiwanese investors.

What American Dream Factory hopes to convey, is how the value of our existence and the meaning of our labour are depleted by capital; and how our youth and dreams are simplified by homogeneous social expectations. As a text for anti-globalization in an age where our feelings have become meager and our sense of time is fractured, this play digs into the relationship between our generation and our time.

Who are we?
Where are we?
Why do we live the way we do?
How do we survive?

These are questions asked by theater artists past present and future. Within these questions, we try to understand the essence of theater - a thirst for the “now.” And this “now” is also a continuum of past, present and future.

Please remember the young people who died. If the future is as John Berger said - the imagination of the dead, than the “now” is also the imagination of those who died.

The theater of the future must take us closer to this sense of time. We stare at death, for it is about our everyday survival.

Summary of Scenes
Track 1. Born this way
Track 2. Mr. Macdonald’s morning
Track 3. Disappear: Dreams of a Salesman
Track 4. You are what you want
Track 5. Superstar
Track6. Compulsion to repeat
Track 7. City of Light
Track 8. Mr. Macdonald’s Nightmare
Track 9. We are the world
Track 10. Across the Universe- Dreams about revolution

